jasmine milk tea

Do you want to learn more about jasmine milk tea?

Scenting tea with jasmine has taken place for thousands of years requiring a large amount of skill and patience. Tea growers in China are only able to create this delicate tea for a few months out of the year, when the weather is warm and the jasmine fields are in bloom.

Today, jasmine tea is enjoyed in a variety of different ways and blended with many different flavors, sweeteners, and tea bases for everyone to enjoy either hot, iced, or as a milk tea.

In this blog post, I’ll discuss what jasmine milk tea is made of, how it tastes, provide a jasmine milk tea recipe, and more.

What are its Ingredients?

Jasmine milk tea is a delicious aromatic floral tea normally made with green tea blended with cream and sugar. You can choose to use a high-quality jasmine green loose leaf tea and then add cream and sweetener. White and black tea are also used as the base.

Alternatively, you can use fresh jasmine flowers from the jasminum officinale plant and steep those with a high quality loose leaf green tea and then add cream and sugar.

It’s important to keep in mind the proper water temperature when making jasmine tea. This tea is delicate since too high of a brewing temperature can cause a bitter unpleasant taste and lose the light floral notes.

It’s best if brewed at a water temperature between 165 and 180 degrees. Each green tea has a different steeping time and water recommendation, but a good rule of thumb is to not go over 3 minutes.

What does Jasmine Milk Tea Taste Like?

Jasmine milk tea has floral undertones due to the jasmine green tea base, along with a smooth and sweet flavor from the cream.

The taste will vary depending on the type of tea used as the base, plus how the jasmine floweres were processes. As mentioned, other tea bases can be used like black tea and white tea.

What does Jasmine Tea Taste Like?

Jasmine tea traditionally has a sweet floral taste that compliments white, green, and oolong tea. It’s aromatic properties are soothing, calming and full of antioxidants.

The intensity of the jasmine flavor depends on the scenting process of the tea base, whether fresh jasmine flowers were used, and the intensity of the tea base. A white tea base, for example, will have a lighter taste than a green tea, but have a more floral taste.

Jasmine pearl green tea is a popular option for jasmine green tea, and is what most people think of when they think of jasmine green tea. These unique pearls are handcrafted and traditionally consist of two tea leaves and a jasmine flower bud.

When steeped, the pearls slowly unfold, allowing for it to be steeped multiple times without losing flavor.

Recipe for Jasmine Milk Tea

The tea base of jasmine milk tea will have the greatest impact on the taste of this tea, so it’s important to pick a high quality loose leaf. The most common tea that is used for this recipe is green tea.

By using a green tea base, it’s subtle enough to combine with the flavor of the jasmine blossoms and isn’t too overpowering.

If using black tea as a base, the flavor profile will be much more rich and robust and have a lighter floral taste.

Using white tea as a tea base will have a more floral flavor, as white tea in general has a more floral flavor profile so the taste will be softer and more mellow whether enjoyed hot or iced.

  1. To make this delicious jasmine milk tea, start off by following brewing instructions of whichever tea base you choose per 8 oz of water. 175 degrees is the optimal temperature for green and white tea, and just shy of boiling water used for black tea.
  2. Steep 1 or 2 teaspoons of jasmine tea leaves per 8 oz of water for hot jasmine tea, and double it if making iced tea. After brewing, dispense tea into your favorite heat safe mug and dispose of the tea leaves.
  3. Stir in one quarter cup of your favorite creamer as well as one tablespoon of your favorite sugar of choice and enjoy! Although dairy cream is recommended, it’s not set in stone. Feel free to use your favorite non-dairy option, and leave out the sugar as well if you prefer.

Since bubble tea has grown in popularity, boba pearls also make a great chewy addition to the bottom of this floral creamy drink. Try experimenting with different boba flavors to enhance this drink even more. Honey flavored boba is a great choice also.

Is Jasmine Tea the Same as Green Tea?

Jasmine tea is not the same as green tea. Although green tea is typically the tea base for jasmine tea, not all green tea is jasmine tea, and vise versa.

One way to think about it is that jasmine tea is a subtype of green tea. There are many different types of green tea blends that are prepared and enjoyed all over the world for centuries like Matcha green tea.

Traditional green tea has a stronger grassy taste and doesn’t have a floral note like jasmine tea does. If you’re just starting to drink green tea, jasmine green tea is a great introduction.

Does Jasmine Milk Tea Have Caffeine?

Jasmine green tea, which is the base for Jasmine milk tea, does have caffeine. However, jasmine flowers by themselves do not contain any caffeine.

Green tea has less caffeine than black tea on average (although it varies per type), as well as having less caffeine than a regular cup of coffee. The standard amount of caffeine in jasmine green tea for an 8 oz cup is around 25 mg, but depending on quality and quantity used, can be up to 60 mg.

Studies show that the longer you brew your tea, the higher the caffeine. Brewing time comes down to personal preference, so caffeine levels will vary depending.

Side Effects of Jasmine Milk Tea

Jasmine is recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. However, pregnant women should consult their doctor before drinking jasmine tea. Any caffeinated beverage may result in side effects—especially if they’re consumed in large quantities or if you’re sensitive to caffeine.

Headaches, shakiness, or trouble sleeping may be the result of too much caffeine from jasmine tea if consumed in excess.

Generally speaking, jasmine milk tea doesn’t have many side effects. Lastly, jasmine tea catechins can slow down the iron absorption process from food. This can be problematic for people with iron deficiency.


Well, I hope you’ve learned more about jasmine milk tea, how it tastes, its ingredients, and side effects. I also hope you try out a jasmine milk tea recipe to experience this popular tea firsthand.

While jasmine tea has been around for thousands of years, it can now be enjoyed now as a tasty milk tea.

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